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Kim Kardashian


This piece was inspired by an image of Kim Kardashian wearing a Thierry Mugler dress at the 2019 Met Gala. Each picture is 2m from the floor up, x 1m wide. The card is from the decorating trade and the silhouette made from strips of black gaffer tape. 

This fascinating photo of Kim was an image I wanted to explore further. I found her vital statistics online and using the grid system, drew up a life size Kim onto builders card. With her iconic silhouette in position, black gaffer tape seemed the obvious choice to tie in with the utilitarian quality of the builders card. In reducing the image further to a more abstract, pixilated version one can begin to see how little information we need to recognise her and ask questions about the emptiness of celebrity. These humble materials represented a way of bringing her image back down to earth, emphasising the void between us, examining her persona and image.

The decision to leave the card resting on the floor adds a dynamic energy suggesting there may be other images on the roll, that she is born of a production line.

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